Internal Demand Rates
Important Dates
April 3, 2025 | Stakeholder Feedback due
March 14, 2025 | Preliminary Consultant Statements of Work posted
To determine how current rates for demand are (or are not) fulfilling performance expectations now or in the future and, with robust stakeholder input, design solutions that address prioritized deficiencies.
The following topics are in scope for this engagement:
- Rate class review (including self-supply, large load, and non-firm rates)
- Rate Demand Transmission Service (DTS) performance and potential redesign
- Rate Demand Opportunity Service (DOS) performance review
Although there will be overlap and interdependencies, the below topics are out of scope and will either be covered in other workstreams, or are being discussed as part of standalone engagements:
- Point of Delivery (POD) Charges – classification, allocation, and rate design
- Ancillary Service products, services, and associated fees
- Optimal Transmission Planning (OTP)
- Restructured Energy Market (REM)
Engagement Schedule
The Electric Utilities Act (EUA) requires the AESO to submit a tariff for AUC approval. The AUC has directed the AESO to refile its Bulk & Regional Tariff Design by January 31, 2027. Parties are encouraged to review documents from AUC Proceeding 26911, the last Bulk & regional Tariff application, with a particular emphasis on the Commission's decision and parties' evidentiary submissions.
With respect to Rate DOS, parties are encouraged to review Decision 28989-D02-2024.
Given recent amendments to the EUA, anticipated updates to the government’s Transmission Regulation, and the ongoing grid transformation, a fulsome review of Rate DTS is necessary. The AESO expects that revisions to the tariff will need to incorporate these new policy directions, recover the AESO's revenue requirements, and adhere to other rate design principles and strategic objectives to the greatest extent possible.