Amendments for the AESO Connection Process

Important Dates

May 27, 2025 | Stakeholder Feedback due

March 5, 2025 | Narrated presentation posted


To make required changes to the Tariff to align with the current AESO Connection Process, provide clarity where needed and enable a more efficient process. We will not be making significant changes to the AESO Connection Process as part of this engagement.

This engagement process will review the following ISO tariff components:

  • System Access Service (SAS) Agreements for Rate DTS and Rate STS
  • Construction Commitment Agreements (CCA) and Security paid to the TFOs
  • Payment in Lieu of Notice (PILON)
  • Overall layout and presentation of content in Sections 3, 5, and 6 of the ISO tariff

Throughout 2022 to 2024, we streamlined the Connection Process by developing the Cluster Assessment Process with robust stakeholder input.

Out of Scope

Although there will be overlap and interdependencies, the below topics/workstreams are out-of-scope and will be covered in other work streams:

  • Existing GUOC provisions, as well as design of the new Transmission Reinforcement Payment (TRP)
  • Ancillary Services cost allocation
  • Transmission cost allocation and contribution policy
  • Internal demand rates

Engagement Schedule

Important Dates

May 27, 2025 | Stakeholder Feedback due

March 5, 2025 | Narrated presentation posted


To make required changes to the Tariff to align with the current AESO Connection Process, provide clarity where needed and enable a more efficient process. We will not be making significant changes to the AESO Connection Process as part of this engagement.

This engagement process will review the following ISO tariff components:

  • System Access Service (SAS) Agreements for Rate DTS and Rate STS
  • Construction Commitment Agreements (CCA) and Security paid to the TFOs
  • Payment in Lieu of Notice (PILON)
  • Overall layout and presentation of content in Sections 3, 5, and 6 of the ISO tariff

Throughout 2022 to 2024, we streamlined the Connection Process by developing the Cluster Assessment Process with robust stakeholder input.

Out of Scope

Although there will be overlap and interdependencies, the below topics/workstreams are out-of-scope and will be covered in other work streams:

  • Existing GUOC provisions, as well as design of the new Transmission Reinforcement Payment (TRP)
  • Ancillary Services cost allocation
  • Transmission cost allocation and contribution policy
  • Internal demand rates

Engagement Schedule

  • Purpose

    To validate our summary of opportunities to improve the ISO tariff is comprehensive and nothing is missing or out of line with what stakeholders are experiencing. All stakeholder feedback we receive will be shared as received, and we will publish a directional summary after all feedback has been reviewed. If any topics require more detailed information, discussion or context, additional phases of consultation may be added.


    1. Watch the narrated presentation
      • Please view the slides in Presentation or Slide Show mode and turn on your speakers to listen to the voice-over narration
    2. To submit your responses, you will need to be registered and signed in on the AESO Engage platform. 
    3. Please click on the "Submit Stakeholder Feedback" box below to begin the survey and provide your specific comments. 
    4. Please submit one completed survey per organization. 
    5. All responses will be shared on AESO Engage. 
    6. Responses are due on or before May 27, 2025.

    Stakeholder Questions

     System Access Service (SAS) Agreements

    1. Are there aspects of the system access service agreements for Rate DTS and Rate STS that require clarification or amendment?
    2. Are obligations for an executed vs. effective system access service agreement clear?

    Payment In Lieu Of Notice (PILON)

    1. Are there aspects of PILON that require clarification or amendment?
    2. Should PILON apply to active projects that have signed a SAS agreement for Rate DTS and then cancel or delay the contract capacity start date?

    Construction Commitment Agreement (CCA) and Security with TFOs

    1. Are there aspects of the CCA or TFO security that require clarification or amendment?
    2. What benefits are gained by including the CCA and TFO security requirements in the ISO tariff?  

    Other Provisions

    1. Are there any provisions in Sections 3, 5, or 6 that require clarity or amendment, or should be added or removed?

    Submit Your Feedback Here
Page last updated: 10 Mar 2025, 05:10 PM