CIP-004-AB-7 & CIP-011-AB-3
Consultation has concluded
Decision Issued
On March 14, 2024, the AESO forwarded a Forwarding Notice with the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) requesting approval of the proposed new CIP-004-AB-7, CIP-011-AB-3, AND CIP-PLAN-AB-3, and retirement of existing CIP-004-AB-5.1, CIP-011-AB-1, and CIP-PLAN-AB-2 (CIP-004-AB-7 & CIP-011-AB-3).
In Decision 28903-D01-2024, dated May 2, 2024, the AUC approved adoption of proposed new CIP-004-AB-7 & CIP-011-AB-3.
CIP-004-AB-7 & CIP-011-AB-3 will become effective on April 1, 2026. Early compliance with CIP-004-AB-7 and CIP-011-AB-3 is available as set out in CIP-PLAN-AB-3.
The AESO consulted with Stakeholders on CIP-004-AB-7 and CIP-011-AB-3 (adoption of CIP-004-AB-7, CIP-011-AB-3, and CIP-PLAN-AB-2 and the retirement of existing CIP-004-AB-5.1, CIP-011-AB-1, and CIP-PLAN-AB-2) which are focused on addressing new cyber security challenges facing the Alberta Interconnected Electric System (AIES).
The purpose of CIP-004-AB-7 is to minimize BES Cyber Systems' risk from unauthorized access by requiring personnel risk assessment, training, and security awareness to protect the Bulk Electric System (BES) against compromise, misoperation, or instability.
CIP-011-AB-3 aims to safeguard BES Cyber System Information (BCSI) by specifying protection requirements, ensuring the security of BES Cyber Systems against compromise that could affect BES stability and operation.
Decision Issued
On March 14, 2024, the AESO forwarded a Forwarding Notice with the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) requesting approval of the proposed new CIP-004-AB-7, CIP-011-AB-3, AND CIP-PLAN-AB-3, and retirement of existing CIP-004-AB-5.1, CIP-011-AB-1, and CIP-PLAN-AB-2 (CIP-004-AB-7 & CIP-011-AB-3).
In Decision 28903-D01-2024, dated May 2, 2024, the AUC approved adoption of proposed new CIP-004-AB-7 & CIP-011-AB-3.
CIP-004-AB-7 & CIP-011-AB-3 will become effective on April 1, 2026. Early compliance with CIP-004-AB-7 and CIP-011-AB-3 is available as set out in CIP-PLAN-AB-3.
The AESO consulted with Stakeholders on CIP-004-AB-7 and CIP-011-AB-3 (adoption of CIP-004-AB-7, CIP-011-AB-3, and CIP-PLAN-AB-2 and the retirement of existing CIP-004-AB-5.1, CIP-011-AB-1, and CIP-PLAN-AB-2) which are focused on addressing new cyber security challenges facing the Alberta Interconnected Electric System (AIES).
The purpose of CIP-004-AB-7 is to minimize BES Cyber Systems' risk from unauthorized access by requiring personnel risk assessment, training, and security awareness to protect the Bulk Electric System (BES) against compromise, misoperation, or instability.
CIP-011-AB-3 aims to safeguard BES Cyber System Information (BCSI) by specifying protection requirements, ensuring the security of BES Cyber Systems against compromise that could affect BES stability and operation.
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
The AESO is seeking an second round of written comments from Stakeholders on CIP-004-AB-7, CIP-001-AB-3 and CIP-PLAN-3 to understand key questions and concerns relating to reliability standard content, implementation or compliance. The AESO values stakeholder feedback and invites all interested stakeholders to provide their comments via the Stakeholder Feedback survey on or before January 24, 2023.
- To submit your feedback, you will need to be registered and signed in on the AESO Engage platform.
- Please click on the "Complete Stakeholder Feedback" box below to provide your specific comments.
- Please submit one completed Stakeholder Feedback survey per organization.
- Stakeholder Feedback results will be posted on AESO Engage, in their original state.
- Responses due on or before January 24, 2023.
Stakeholder Questions:
- Do you have any questions, comments, or concerns related to the draft proposed new CIP-004-AB-7, Cyber Security - Personnel & Training (“CIP-004-AB-7”)? If so, please elaborate.
- Do you agree that the proposed new CIP-004-AB-7 is not technically deficient? If not, why?
- Do you agree that the proposed new CIP-004-AB-7 supports the public interest? If not, why?
- Do you have any questions, comments, or concerns related to the draft proposed new CIP-011-AB-3, Cyber Security - Information Protection (“CIP-011-AB-3”)? If so, please elaborate.
- Do you agree that the proposed new CIP-011-AB-3 is not technically deficient? If not, why?
- Do you agree that the proposed new CIP-011-AB-3 supports the public interest? If not, why?
- Do you have any questions, comments, or concerns related to the draft proposed new CIP-PLAN-AB-3, Implementation Plan for CIP (“CIP-PLAN-AB-3”)? If so, please elaborate.
- Do you agree that the proposed new CIP-PLAN-AB-3 is not technically deficient? If not, why?
- Do you agree that the proposed new CIP-PLAN-AB-3 supports the public interest? If not, why?
- The AESO is proposing an effective date of April 1, 2026 with the option of electing an earlier effective date for interested parties as set out in CIP-PLAN-AB-3. Do you have concerns with this approach? If so, please elaborate.
- Do you have any questions, comments, or concerns related to the draft proposed amended AESO Information Document ID #2015-003RS, Guidance Information for CIP Standards (“ID#2015-003RS”)? If so, please elaborate.
- Do you have any questions, comments, or concerns related to the draft proposed AESO Reliability Standard Audit Worksheet (“RSAW”) for CIP-004-AB-7? If so, please elaborate.
- Do you have any questions, comments, or concerns related to the draft proposed AESO RSAW for CIP-011-AB-3? If so, please elaborate.
- Do you have any questions, comments, or concerns with the proposed retirement of the existing CIP-004-AB-5.1, CIP-011-AB-1, or CIP-PLAN-AB-2? If so, please elaborate.
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
The AESO is seeking an initial round of written comments from Stakeholders on CIP-004-AB-7, CIP-001-AB-3 and CIP-PLAN-3 to understand key questions and concerns relating to reliability standard content, implementation or compliance. The AESO values stakeholder feedback and invites all interested stakeholders to provide their comments via the Stakeholder Feedback survey on or before October 17, 2023.
- To submit your feedback, you will need to be registered and signed in on the AESO Engage platform.
- Please click on the "Complete Stakeholder Feedback" box below to provide your specific comments.
- Please submit one completed Stakeholder Feedback survey per organization.
- Stakeholder Feedback results will be posted on AESO Engage, in their original state.
- Responses due on or before October 17, 2023.
Stakeholder Questions:
- Do you have any questions, comments, or concerns related to the draft proposed new CIP-004-AB-7, Cyber Security - Personnel & Training (“CIP-004-AB-7”)? If so, please elaborate.
- Do you have any questions, comments, or concerns related to the draft proposed new CIP-011-AB-3, Cyber Security - Information Protection (“CIP-011-AB-3”)? If so, please elaborate.
- Do you have any questions, comments, or concerns related to the draft proposed AESO Reliability Standard Audit Worksheet (“RSAW”) for CIP-004-AB-7? If so, please elaborate.
- Do you have any questions, comments, or concerns related to the draft proposed AESO RSAW for CIP-011-AB-3? If so, please elaborate.
- Do you have any questions, comments, or concerns related to the draft proposed new CIP-PLAN-AB-3, Implementation Plan for CIP Cyber Security Reliability Standards (“CIP-PLAN-AB-3”)? If so, please elaborate.
- Do you have any questions, comments, or concerns related to the draft proposed amended AESO Information Document ID #2015-003RS, Guidance Information for CIP Standards (“ID#2015-003RS”)? If so, please elaborate.
- The AESO is targeting an effective date of April 1, 2026. Do you have concerns with this date? If so, please elaborate and indicate a preferred effective date.
- Would you like to have the option of complying with CIP-004-AB-7 and CIP-011-AB-3 early. If so, please elaborate.
- Do you think a Reliability Standard Workshop is needed to discuss CIP-004-AB-7, CIP-011-AB-3, CIP-PLAN-3, ID #2015-003RS, or the RSAWs? If so, what topics relating to this draft material would you like to discuss at a Reliability Standard Workshop in Q4 2023?
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Level of Engagement
Consult: Gather input and feedback from stakeholders
Refer to the AESO’s Engagement Framework for our approach to engagement
Written Consultation | Sept 26 - Oct 17, 2023
CIP-004-AB-7 & CIP-011-AB-3 has finished this stageGather written feedback from Stakeholders on CIP-004-AB-7 and CIP-011-AB-3 materials
Review and Analysis | October 2023
CIP-004-AB-7 & CIP-011-AB-3 has finished this stageReview and consider submissions in preparation for RSW to address stakeholder written comments.
Reliability Standards Workshop | November 7, 2023
CIP-004-AB-7 & CIP-011-AB-3 has finished this stageWorkshop to engage stakeholders in discussions and answer questions on CIP-004-AB-7, CIP-011-AB-3, and CIP-PLAN-AB-3
Review and Analysis | November 2023
CIP-004-AB-7 & CIP-011-AB-3 has finished this stageReview and consider RSW stakeholder feedback as the AESO refines the draft standards, RSAWs and supporting material.
Written Consultation 2 | Dec 2023 - Jan 2024
CIP-004-AB-7 & CIP-011-AB-3 has finished this stageGather final written feedback from Stakeholders on CIP-004-AB-7, CIP-011-AB-3, and CIP-PLAN-3.
Forward to Commission | March 2024
CIP-004-AB-7 & CIP-011-AB-3 is currently at this stageForward final CIP-004-AB-7, CIP-011-AB-3, and CIP-PLAN-AB-3 and supporting materials to the Commission.
AESO Materials
AESO Reply Letter | Feb 22, 2024
AESO Reply Letter [Posted: Feb 22, 2024] (251 KB) (pdf)
Blackline Copy of CIP-004-AB-7 RSAW [Posted: Feb 22, 2024] (1.3 MB) (pdf)
Blackline Copy of CIP-011-AB-1 to CIP-011-AB-3 [Posted: Feb 22, 2024] (324 KB) (pdf)
Blackline Copy of CIP-004-AB-5.1 to CIP-004-AB-7 [Posted: Feb 22, 2024] (432 KB) (pdf)
Blackline Copy of CIP-011-3 to CIP-011-AB-3 [Posted: Feb 22, 2024] (302 KB) (pdf)
Blackline Copy of CIP-004-7 to CIP-004-AB-7 [Posted: Feb 22, 2024] (486 KB) (pdf)
Blackline Copy of CIP-PLAN-AB-2 to CIP-PLAN-AB-3 [Posted: Feb 22, 2024] (159 KB) (pdf)
Blackline Copy of ID 2015-003RS to Future Amended ID 2015-003RS [Posted: Feb 22, 2024] (336 KB)
Clean Copy of CIP-PLAN-AB-3 - 2024-02-22 [Posted: Feb 22, 2024] (157 KB) (pdf)
Clean Copy of CIP-011-3 to CIP-011-AB-3 [Posted: Feb 22, 2024] (232 KB) (pdf)
Clean Copy of CIP-004-7 to CIP-004-AB-7 - 2024-02-22 [Posted: Feb 22, 2024] (264 KB) (pdf)
Clean Copy of CIP-011-AB-3 RSAW [Posted: Feb 22, 2024] (279 KB) (pdf)
Clean Copy of ID 2015-003RS [Posted: Feb 22, 2024] (329 KB) (pdf)
Written Consultation 2 | Dec 21, 2023 - Jan 24, 2024
Consultation Letter [Posted: Dec 21, 2023] (272 KB) (pdf)
Concordance Document [Posted: Dec 21, 2023] (1.09 MB) (pdf)
Blackline Copy of CIP-004-AB-7 NERC to Final [Posted: Dec 21, 2023] (469 KB) (pdf)
Blackline Copy of CIP-011-AB-3 NERC to Final [Posted: Dec 21, 2023] (300 KB) (pdf)
Blackline Copy of CIP-004-AB-5.1 to CIP-004-AB-7 [Posted: Dec 21, 2023] (436 KB) (pdf)
Blackline Copy of CIP-011-AB-1 to CIP-011-AB-3 [Posted: Dec 21, 2023] (328 KB) (pdf)
Blackline Copy of CIP-PLAN-AB-2 to CIP-PLAN-AB-3 [Posted: Dec 21, 2023] (164 KB) (pdf)
Clean Copy of CIP-004-AB-7 [Posted: Dec 21, 2023] (276 KB) (pdf)
Clean Copy of CIP-011-AB-3 [Posted: Dec 21, 2023] (203 KB) (pdf)
Clean Copy of CIP-PLAN-AB-3 [Posted: Dec 21, 2023] (208 KB) (pdf)
Existing CIP-004-AB-5.1 [Posted: Dec 21, 2023] (424 KB) (pdf)
Existing CIP-011-AB-1 [Posted: Dec 21, 2023] (360 KB) (pdf)
Existing CIP-PLAN-AB-2 [Posted: Dec 21, 2023] (177 KB) (pdf)
CIP-004-AB-7_RSAW [Posted: Dec 21, 2023] (1.19 MB) (pdf)
CIP-011-AB-3_RSAW [Posted: Dec 21, 2023] (932 KB) (pdf)
Blackline Copy of Draft ID 2015-003RS [Posted: Dec 21, 2023] (322 KB) (pdf)
Clean Copy of ID #2015-003RS [Posted: Dec 21, 2023] (965 KB) (pdf)
Reliability Standards Workshop | November 28, 2023
RSW Discussion Summary [Posted: December 15, 2023] (442 KB) (pdf)
Invitation [Posted: November 7, 2023; Updated: November 27, 2023] (252 KB) (pdf)
Presentation [Posted: Nov 21, 2023] (1.21 MB) (pdf)
Blackline copy of ID #2015-003RS - Sept 26, 2023 to Nov 21, 2023 [Posted: Nov 21, 2023] (325 KB) (pdf)
Clean copy of CIP-PLAN-AB-3 [Posted: Nov 21, 2023] (181 KB) (pdf)
Clean copy of ID #2015-003RS [Posted: Nov 21, 2023] (324 KB) (pdf)
Blackline copy of CIP-PLAN-AB-3 - Sept 16, 2023 to Nov 21, 2023 [Posted: Nov 21, 2023] (182 KB) (pdf)
CIP-004-AB-7_RSAW [Posted: Nov 21, 2023] (525 KB) (pdf)
AESO Replies to Stakeholder Feedback | November 8, 2023
Written Consultation | Sept 26 - Oct 17, 2023
Consultation Letter [Posted: September 26, 2023] (245 KB) (pdf)
Concordance Document [Posted: September 26, 2023] (345 KB) (pdf)
CIP-004-AB-7 Blackline from NERC CIP-004-7 [Posted: September 26, 2023] (371 KB) (pdf)
CIP-011-AB-3 Blackline from NERC CIP-011-3 [Posted: September 26, 2023] (189 KB) (pdf)
CIP-PLAN-AB-3 Blackline from CIP-PLAN-AB-2 [Posted: September 26, 2023] (154 KB) (pdf)
ID 2015-003RS Blackline [Posted: September 26, 2023] (292 KB) (pdf)
CIP-004-AB-7 Clean [Posted: September 26, 2023] (234 KB) (pdf)
CIP-011-AB-3 Clean [Posted: September 26, 2023] (175 KB) (pdf)
ID 2015-003RS Clean [Posted: September 26, 2023] (283 KB) (pdf)
CIP-PLAN-AB-3 Clean.pdf (167 KB) (pdf)
CIP-004-AB-5.1 [Posted: September 26, 2023] (424 KB) (pdf)
CIP-011-AB-1 [Posted: September 26, 2023] (360 KB) (pdf)
CIP-004-AB-7 RSAW [Posted: September 26, 2023] (1.87 MB) (pdf)
CIP-011-AB-3 RSAW [Posted: September 26, 2023] (961 KB) (pdf)
Contact Us
If you have any other questions, please contact