The AESO wants to take this opportunity to thank stakeholders for their contributions in the 2023 BDP engagement process. We appreciate and value the time and effort you have taken to participate and share your thoughts, insights and expertise.
The AESO is excited to launch a new Budget Development Process (BDP). The BDP will create greater opportunities for earlier involvement and engagement amongst the AESO Board, the Executive and stakeholders which we believe is essential and will communicate clear expectations on the process and ultimate budget outcome. For additional details, view theLetter to Stakeholders from Mike Law, President and CEO.
The purpose of the BDP is to consult with stakeholders on the AESO’s areas of focus and proposed budget and forecasts for the upcoming year as per the Transmission Regulation. The 2023 BDP will be used to establish the AESO’s business plan and budget for 2023.
The revised approach will enable earlier involvement and engagement with the Board, the Executive and stakeholders, framed at the strategic level, to inform corporate areas of focus for the upcoming year. The legacy budget process created challenges for our stakeholders as it set an expectation that the AESO could make substantial alterations to the budget in response to stakeholder feedback provided during the process. The revised approach is intended to address this challenge and facilitate a more meaningful exchange with stakeholders as it relates to what stakeholders have told us they want increased influence over – namely the types, timing and priority of work the AESO undertakes. View 2023 BDP Process Overview and Engagement Schedule for additional details.
The AESO wants to take this opportunity to thank stakeholders for their contributions in the 2023 BDP engagement process. We appreciate and value the time and effort you have taken to participate and share your thoughts, insights and expertise.
The AESO is excited to launch a new Budget Development Process (BDP). The BDP will create greater opportunities for earlier involvement and engagement amongst the AESO Board, the Executive and stakeholders which we believe is essential and will communicate clear expectations on the process and ultimate budget outcome. For additional details, view theLetter to Stakeholders from Mike Law, President and CEO.
The purpose of the BDP is to consult with stakeholders on the AESO’s areas of focus and proposed budget and forecasts for the upcoming year as per the Transmission Regulation. The 2023 BDP will be used to establish the AESO’s business plan and budget for 2023.
The revised approach will enable earlier involvement and engagement with the Board, the Executive and stakeholders, framed at the strategic level, to inform corporate areas of focus for the upcoming year. The legacy budget process created challenges for our stakeholders as it set an expectation that the AESO could make substantial alterations to the budget in response to stakeholder feedback provided during the process. The revised approach is intended to address this challenge and facilitate a more meaningful exchange with stakeholders as it relates to what stakeholders have told us they want increased influence over – namely the types, timing and priority of work the AESO undertakes. View 2023 BDP Process Overview and Engagement Schedule for additional details.
The AESO thanks stakeholders for their involvement, contribution and engaged dialogue in the redesigned 2023 Budget Development Process (BDP) consultation program. We value stakeholder input andinvite all interested stakeholders who participated in the 2023 BDPto provide their feedback on the overall engagement process via the questions set out in the following 2023 BDP Engagement Process Survey.
This survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete and will be open until midnight on Dec. 1, 2022. All information provided in this survey will be kept confidential.
To submit your feedback, you will need to be registered and signed in on the AESO Engage platform.
Please click on the "Complete 2023 BDP Engagement Process Survey" box below to begin the survey and provide your specific comments.
Please submit one completed 2023 BDP Engagement Process Survey per organization.
All information provided in this survey will be kept confidential.
Responses due on or before Dec. 1, 2022
2023 BDP Engagement Process Survey Questions
Do you feel the overall purpose of the engagement was achieved? Why or why not?
The purpose of the BDP is to consult with stakeholders on the AESO’s areas of focus and proposed budget and forecasts for the upcoming year as per the Transmission Regulation. The 2023 BDP will be used to establish the AESO’s business plan and budget for 2023.
Do you feel the overall engagement was inclusive and accessible? Why or why not?
Principle 1: Inclusive and Accessible We engage with stakeholders about industry developments and AESO activities and decisions that impact them. All impacted parties are welcome. Our engagements are accessible. We use technology to enhance our efforts to accommodate stakeholders.
Do you feel the overall engagement was strategic and coordinated? Why or why not?
Principle 2: Strategic and Coordinated Our engagements are strategic and well-coordinated. We look to ensure stakeholders have fair and reasonable opportunities to participate and that the tools and practices we employ are appropriate for the engagement being conducted.
Do you feel the overall engagement was transparent and timely? Why or why not?
Principle 3: Transparent and Timely Our engagements are transparent. The purpose of our engagements, their scope, as well as our criteria for decision-making is clear. We bring engagement topics forward to our stakeholders in a timely way so that stakeholders can prepare for their participation, provide informed feedback during the engagement, and prepare their organizations for any future changes that may result.
Do you feel the overall engagement was customized and meaningful? Why or why not?
Principle 4: Customized and Meaningful We tailor our engagements based on the nature and impacts of issues to stakeholders. We implement an iterative and substantive process that recognizes the value of stakeholder input in developing outcomes. We acknowledge our stakeholders for investing their time, lending their expertise and sharing perspectives during our engagements. We demonstrate how stakeholders' feedback is considered.
Has your overall experience with the 2023 BDP engagement process been a valuable investment of your organization's time and resources? Please rate your overall experience. Why or why not?
In 2022 the budget development process was redesigned and launched for the 2023 budget cycle.
Do you have any further comments on the redesigned 2023 BDP engagement process or its execution this year?
Is there one thing you would recommend the AESO do to make future BDP engagement experiences more meaningful for you.
If we have questions regarding your feedback, may we contact you to discuss further?
The purpose of the AESO Board 1:1 Sessions is for senior executive stakeholders to have a final opportunity to engage in one-on-one discussions with the Board on the 2023 budget, areas of focus and priorities before the Board takes the 2023 Business Plan and Budget Proposal and all stakeholder feedback under consideration to make its decision.
To submit your intent to present to the AESO Board on Nov. 16, 2022, please complete the following form on or before Oct. 20 2022.Please note the requirement for stakeholder organization, agency or association to have a senior level executive present at the 1:1 discussions with the AESO Board as per the 2023 BDP Process Overview,
The presentations to the AESO Board will be due on or before Nov. 7, 2022 and will be uploaded to the AESO Engage platform.
To submit your intent to present, you will need to be registered and signed in on the AESO Engage platform
Please click on the "Complete Intent to Present" box below to begin and provide your specific information
Please submit one completed Intent to Present per organization
Submissions are due on or before Oct. 20, 2022
Intent to Present Questions
Please identify your organization
Please identify all individuals that plan to be in attendance at the presentation including (1) first and last name; (2) title; (3) organization (if different than organization submitting Intent to Present); and (4) email address
Please identify the scope of the presentation you plan to discuss
The AESO values stakeholder input and invites all interested stakeholders to provide their feedback on the 2023 BDP Stakeholder Session via the questions set out in the following Stakeholder Feedback form on or before Oct. 20, 2022. Please be as specific as possible with your responses. Thank you for your input.
To submit your feedback, you will need to be registered and signed in on the AESO Engage platform.
Please click on the "Complete Stakeholder Feedback" box below to begin the survey and provide your specific comments.
Please submit one completed Stakeholder Feedback form per organization.
Stakeholder Feedback results will be posted on AESO Engage, in their original state.
Responses due on or before Oct. 20, 2022
Stakeholder Feedback Questions
Please comment on the 2023 BDP Stakeholder Session hosted on Oct. 5, 2022. Was the session valuable? Was there something the AESO could have done to make the session more helpful?
Are you aligned with the AESO’s 2023 area of focus, priorities and pace that are based on June stakeholder consultations and support the future of electricity in Alberta? If not, please specify.
Did the AESO miss something crucial in our priorities to support the future of electricity in the province, and any associated impacts on capital or consulting dollars? If so, please specify.
Do you require additional clarity on any aspect or component of the 2023 Preliminary Forecast and Budget? If so, please specify.
Consultation has concluded
Level of Engagement
Consult: Gather input and feedback from stakeholders