Virtual Registration for REM Design Sprints 1 & 2


The AESO is hosting a series of engagement sessions with industry stakeholders to advance work on the Restructured Energy Market (REM) Design.


Click here to complete your registration to join the Design Sprint 1 & 2 sessions virtually by Friday, September 6, 2024.

Sprint 1
Session Focus
Tuesday, September 10
Pricing and Reserve Market
Wednesday, September 11
Market Clearing and Scarcity Pricing
Thursday, September 12
Market Power Mitigation
Friday, September 13
Sprint 1 Presentation
Detailed Discussions

Sprint 2

Session Focus
Tuesday, September 17
Day-ahead Market
Wednesday, September 18
Day-ahead Market (continued)
Thursday, September 19
Intertie Participation
Friday, September 20
Shorter Settlement


While these sessions are booked for the whole day, the virtual portion will end when the in-person breakouts begin, which is expected to be in the early afternoon.

You can view the full Sprint 1 & 2 Agendas here, however the listed topics may be adjusted based on stakeholder feedback. The AESO will focus on and prioritize Design Sprint time on discussions that most benefit the REM design and participants.

If you missed our prior 'intent to register' process and prefer to participate in the REM Design sprints in-person, email

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