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Request for Feedback | July 18 - Aug. 9, 2024


We value your input and would like to ask all interested stakeholders to provide their feedback on the AESO's REM Shorter Settlement work stream. The survey will be open until August 9, 2024, and responses will be shared on AESO Engage. Thank you in advance for providing this important feedback.


REM Shorter Settlement Options Paper can be found under AESO Materials


  1. Please respond to the questions and provide your specific comments.
  2. Only one completed survey will be accepted per organization.
  3. Survey responses will be posted on AESO Engage as received.
  4. Responses due on or before August 9, 2024.

Stakeholder Questions

  1. What segment of the industry do you represent?
  2. The Options Paper outlines the implementation of considerations and benefits of each of the shorter settlement options. Are there other implementation considerations and benefits of that weren't captured in this Options Paper? 
  3. Does the shorter settlement interval initiative overlap with other initiatives (e.g., interval metering to facilitate time of use pricing, demand side management programs) that your organization is considering
  4. In regard to question three, what is the timeline for such initiatives, and would the shorter settlement interval initiative help or hinder your considerations? 
  5. In recognition that there is a drive to modernize the electricity market to align with the energy transition, which option(s) can be advanced in a manner that progresses towards a shorter settlement interval that keeps costs and timelines reasonable, and sets up the electricity market for the future? 
  6. In regard to question five, what can be done to make the costs and timelines for implementing a shorter settlement interval reasonable?
  7. If you'd like to submit a formatted document with your organization's responses, you can do so here.