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OTP Practice in Other Jurisdictions | Jan. 29 – Feb. 13, 2025


To learn more about how other jurisdictions approach optimal transmission planning, please see the provided links to jurisdictional examples and information. Additionally, we would like to hear from you on the questions provided below.

Please note that these materials are for illustrative and educational purposes only and should not be interpreted as support for a particular methodology.


  1. To submit your feedback, you will need to be registered and signed in on the AESO Engage platform.
  2. Please click on the "Complete Stakeholder Feedback" box below to provide your specific comments.
  3. You are not required to submit only one feedback per organization.
  4. Results will be posted on AESO Engage, in their original state

Stakeholder Questions

  1. Are there other jurisdictions with OTP practices that the AESO should further explore? If yes, please highlight specific element(s) of certain OTP practices you would like us to focus on, as well as the resulting benefits to an Alberta framework.
  2. Do you have additional attachments or formatted versions of your responses that you would like to submit? If so, please submit here.