Optimal Transmission Planning (OTP)

Important Materials & Deadlines

Jan. 13, 2025 | Stakeholder Feedback Posted | Survey Responses Report

Stakeholder Update - January 13, 2024

Following the closing of the initial written feedback consultation period, the AESO will review and consider the responses as we continue to progress details on the proposed stakeholder engagement process for a move towards an OTP Framework. Please view the Survey Responses Report.

The AESO has summarized high-level themes from within the feedback responses, capturing what we heard from stakeholders:

  • Generally, stakeholders are supportive of the proposed engagement approach of inform, consult, and a written feedback mechanism, but more detail is needed to give fulsome feedback on the proposed engagement framework
  • Most commonly, Stakeholders have highlighted the importance of the proposed OTP engagement working alongside the REM and Tariff engagements. Stakeholders need to participate in all engagements and require time to prepare thoughtful feedback for other AESO engagements as well
  • Stakeholders have also highlighted:
    • A clear plan that includes the scope, milestones, time commitment, definitions, analysis, and a clear governance structure (including AUC approvals) is paramount
    • Stakeholders will be strained to meet the time commitments of all these initiatives, in addition to their regular obligations
    • Small organizations do not have the same resources to participate, and therefore, the consultations may be skewed towards participants with the greatest resources
    • The AESO should be mindful and flexible as decisions are made in one engagement; outcomes and results may affect other decisions made in previous engagements. I.e. the AESO should be open to revisiting decisions in REM if they do not align with the OTP direction (Tariff as well, once that engagement is underway)
    • Data and analytics will be crucial to the timeline; the AESO should prepare and share as much information as possible in advance
    • More detail is needed on incumbent rights and recognition of long-time investment in the system

Watch for more information in Q1 on upcoming engagement opportunities.

Thank you for your interest, participation, and contributions during the early stages of the proposed OTP Framework stakeholder engagements.


In the Minister of Affordability and Utility’s (MAU or Minister) July 2024 letter, the AESO was directed to implement changes to its current transmission planning framework. More specifically, the MAU announced that it has decided to “move away from the current zero-congestion transmission planning standard to an optimally planned transmission planning standard.” The MAU indicated that it is committed to continued collaboration with the AESO as it moves “towards the implementation of a new market and transmission framework to better enable a reliable, affordable, and sustainable electricity system for all Albertans.”

Purpose and Objectives

The AESO is embarking on a pivotal initiative and is committed to developing an optimally planned transmission planning framework through meaningful consultation with stakeholders. The AESO is proposing a stakeholder engagement approach that includes consultation sessions, written feedback cycles, and information sessions. The goal is to meaningfully engage with stakeholders before commencing regulatory processes in 2026, and to provide certainty for industry, by implementing the new optimally planned transmission planning framework in the 2027 Long-Term Transmission Plan (LTP). The AESO, in consultation with stakeholders, will develop a new optimally planned transmission planning framework to align with government direction.

Important Materials & Deadlines

Jan. 13, 2025 | Stakeholder Feedback Posted | Survey Responses Report

Stakeholder Update - January 13, 2024

Following the closing of the initial written feedback consultation period, the AESO will review and consider the responses as we continue to progress details on the proposed stakeholder engagement process for a move towards an OTP Framework. Please view the Survey Responses Report.

The AESO has summarized high-level themes from within the feedback responses, capturing what we heard from stakeholders:

  • Generally, stakeholders are supportive of the proposed engagement approach of inform, consult, and a written feedback mechanism, but more detail is needed to give fulsome feedback on the proposed engagement framework
  • Most commonly, Stakeholders have highlighted the importance of the proposed OTP engagement working alongside the REM and Tariff engagements. Stakeholders need to participate in all engagements and require time to prepare thoughtful feedback for other AESO engagements as well
  • Stakeholders have also highlighted:
    • A clear plan that includes the scope, milestones, time commitment, definitions, analysis, and a clear governance structure (including AUC approvals) is paramount
    • Stakeholders will be strained to meet the time commitments of all these initiatives, in addition to their regular obligations
    • Small organizations do not have the same resources to participate, and therefore, the consultations may be skewed towards participants with the greatest resources
    • The AESO should be mindful and flexible as decisions are made in one engagement; outcomes and results may affect other decisions made in previous engagements. I.e. the AESO should be open to revisiting decisions in REM if they do not align with the OTP direction (Tariff as well, once that engagement is underway)
    • Data and analytics will be crucial to the timeline; the AESO should prepare and share as much information as possible in advance
    • More detail is needed on incumbent rights and recognition of long-time investment in the system

Watch for more information in Q1 on upcoming engagement opportunities.

Thank you for your interest, participation, and contributions during the early stages of the proposed OTP Framework stakeholder engagements.


In the Minister of Affordability and Utility’s (MAU or Minister) July 2024 letter, the AESO was directed to implement changes to its current transmission planning framework. More specifically, the MAU announced that it has decided to “move away from the current zero-congestion transmission planning standard to an optimally planned transmission planning standard.” The MAU indicated that it is committed to continued collaboration with the AESO as it moves “towards the implementation of a new market and transmission framework to better enable a reliable, affordable, and sustainable electricity system for all Albertans.”

Purpose and Objectives

The AESO is embarking on a pivotal initiative and is committed to developing an optimally planned transmission planning framework through meaningful consultation with stakeholders. The AESO is proposing a stakeholder engagement approach that includes consultation sessions, written feedback cycles, and information sessions. The goal is to meaningfully engage with stakeholders before commencing regulatory processes in 2026, and to provide certainty for industry, by implementing the new optimally planned transmission planning framework in the 2027 Long-Term Transmission Plan (LTP). The AESO, in consultation with stakeholders, will develop a new optimally planned transmission planning framework to align with government direction.

  • CLOSED: This survey concluded Jan. 9, 2025.


    We value your input and would like to ask all interested stakeholders to provide their feedback on the AESO's proposed stakeholder engagement approach to the Minister of Affordability & Utilities' direction to develop a new optimally planned transmission planning framework.

    The brief survey will remain open during the initiative and results of the survey will be shared on AESO Engage, in their original state.  

    Thank you in advance for providing this important feedback.


    1. To submit your feedback, you will need to be registered and signed in on the AESO Engage platform.
    2. Please click on the "Complete Stakeholder Feedback" box below to provide your specific comments.
    3. Please submit one completed Stakeholder Feedback per organization.
    4. Results will be posted on AESO Engage, in their original state.

    Stakeholder Survey Questions

    1. Please indicate which category your organization predominantly represents:
      • Generation (thermal or diversified fuel mix)
      • Load
      • DFO / TFO
      • Renewables
      • Storage
      • Retailer
      • Academia
      • Other
    2. Name of Organization
    3. First and Last Name
    4. Do you have any feedback on the AESO's proposed stakeholder engagement approach and schedule?
    5. If you would like to provide a formatted document version of your response, you can do so here.
    6. Additional questions or comments?

Page last updated: 15 Jan 2025, 08:26 AM