Next Steps | 2022 to 2024

The AESO is committed to providing timely analysis and insights regarding the net-zero transformation. The AESO expects to follow this analysis with the following activities during the 2022 to 2024 period and will inform stakeholders as they progress:

  1. Continue to monitor and participate in the development conversation around policy initiatives such as the Clean Electricity Standard (CES) and Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction (TIER)
  2. Develop a reliability requirements roadmap for future reliability services needed to support the future resource transformation based on operational impact assessments that utilize high renewables scenarios to identify potential operational and reliability challenges and potential mitigation measures
  3. Through the Market Evolution Roadmap, identify other market initiatives to support long-term sustainability and competitiveness of the energy-only market structure based on output from carbon policy analysis and assessments.
  4. Engage with Distribution Facility Operators (DFOs) to better understand the impacts and potential costs of carbon policy analysis and assessments to the distribution system
  5. Incorporate carbon policy analysis and assessments into the 2023 Long-term Outlook (LTO), which will inform subsequent iteration of the Long-term Planning (LTP) report and continue to provide further details of future transmission development activities to support a transformed resource mix

Consultation has concluded
