Written Consultation 2 | April 28-May 23, 2023
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
The AESO is seeking a final round of written comments from Stakeholders on the CIP-013 and Supporting Standards, CIP-PLAN-AB-2 and CIP Standards Pilot . For additional information, please see the Consultation Letter.
Request for Comment
The AESO is providing two Stakeholder Feedback Surveys (linked below) to organize feedback on the CIP-013 and Supporting Standards. The deadline for Stakeholders to provide comments via the Stakeholder Feedback Surveys is May 23, 2023.
- Written Consultation 2 | Material Stakeholder Feedback
- Written Consultation 2 | Pilot Stakeholder Feedback
Written Consultation 2 materials
Can be found in the AESO Materials section.
Consultation has concluded