Energy Storage Tariff Module Scope of Work | March 29-April 20, 2023

This discussion has concluded.


The AESO has developed a proposed Energy Storage (ES) Tariff Module Scope of Work which represents the AESO’s recommendation and proposed process for advancing a tariff treatment for energy storage. The purpose of this consultation is to seek feedback from interested stakeholders on their perspectives as it relates to the proposed engagement process and high-level scope of work.

Working Group Membership

The AESO proposes that the working group consist of the following categories of members in order to ensure the recommendation meets the objective of removing barriers to energy storage development, represents fair outcomes, and considers the input from other potentially impacted stakeholders:

  • Energy storage proponents and developer representatives (2-3 members). The AESO is of the view that a small number of ES proponents, acting on behalf of the larger group of ES developers within Alberta, should be sufficient to represent their interests and needs.
  • Load representatives (3-4 members). Since load pays for the tariff and their bills will be impacted, the AESO believes it is important for load organizations, representing a broad set of load customers, be part of the working group.
  • Other representatives including generation owners/developers, TFO/DFO (2-3 members). The AESO acknowledges and appreciates that generators are impacted by ES participation in the energy and ancillary services markets and that ES entry into those markets is impacted by the ISO tariff. DFOs may need to consider impacts to their customers. Other market participants may be impacted by the recommendation and therefore it is important their views and inputs be considered.
  • AESO (2-3 members)

To determine membership, industry representatives who wished to participate nominated themselves as a representative of one of the above categories when completing the ES Tariff Module Scope of Work Request for Feedback.

Working Group Members and Facilitator Announcement

Thank you to all industry participants who put their name forward for a seat on the ES Tariff Module Working Group. We appreciate your interest and for those participants not selected for a seat, you still have an important role to play in this engagement. This may be through touching base with the ES working group members to maximize the working group members' ability to bring forward key inputs and concerns from your organization, as well as taking the opportunity to participate and share your insights and feedback on the working group discussions, outcomes and key decision points brought back to the broader stakeholder community.

The ES Working Group members are as follows:

Category Organization Industry Representative
Energy Storage Proponents and Developer Representatives
(2-3 members)
CanREA Vittoria Bellissimo
Energy Storage Canada Robert Tremblay
Enfinite Mike Schoenenberger
Load Representatives
(3-4 members)
ADC Colette Chekerda
IPCAA Richard Penn
Suncor Horst Klinkenborg
UCA UCA Expert
Other Representatives including Generation Owners/Developers, TFO/DFO
(2-3 members)
AltaLink Hao Liu
ENMAX Corporation Wesley Manfro
Heartland Generation Kurtis Glasier
(2-3 members)
AESO Steven Everett
Steve Waller
LaRhonda Papworth

Within the Negotiated Settlement section of the ES Scope of Work the AESO noted its intention to employ the services of a facilitator with an appropriate skill set and industry experience to act as a neutral third party to assist the AESO and the working group in seeking a negotiated settlement. The AESO has moved forward and retained Keith Miller to act as a neutral third-party facilitator to assist the ES working group in seeking a negotiated settlement relating to the tariff treatment of ES. Mr. Miller is an energy regulatory lawyer with almost 40 years' experience. View Mr. Miller's bio here.

Stakeholder Comments

We value stakeholder feedback, and we thank you for sharing your perspectives with us on the Energy Storage Tariff Module Scope of Work. View Stakeholder Comments here or in the Stakeholder Submissions section.

Virtual Q&A Session

The AESO hosted a virtual Energy Storage Tariff Module Scope of Work Q&A Session on April 12, 2023, from 1:30 p.m. - 3 p.m. This session provided an opportunity to stakeholders to discuss any questions they may have and to explore any areas where clarification is needed before the deadline to self-nominate for a seat on the working group or submit their feedback on the scope of work proposal.


Energy Storage Tariff Module materials can be found in the AESO Materials section.

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