Section 503.3 and 503.20 Administrative Amendments

Key Dates and Materials

June 25, 2024 | Letter of Notice posted


The AESO is proposing administrative amendments to Sections 503.3 and 503.20, which will correct internal cross-referencing errors and clarify the language of the ISO rules without changing their effect.

These administrative amendments include:

  • Correcting a reference in Section 503.3, subsection 2(2), from “subsection 2(9)” to “subsection 2(7)”;
  • Adding the word “a” to Section 503.3, subsection 2(2);
  • Correcting references in Section 503.20, subsections 3(5), 4(6), and 5(7), from “subsection 8” to “subsection 7”; and
  • Adjusting whitespace to standardize formatting throughout Sections 503.3 and 503.20.

The AESO is of the opinion that the scope of the issues identified is minimal. Therefore, the AESO is targeting completion of stakeholder consultation for the proposed amended Sections 503.3 and 503.20 by July, 2024.

Key Dates and Materials

June 25, 2024 | Letter of Notice posted


The AESO is proposing administrative amendments to Sections 503.3 and 503.20, which will correct internal cross-referencing errors and clarify the language of the ISO rules without changing their effect.

These administrative amendments include:

  • Correcting a reference in Section 503.3, subsection 2(2), from “subsection 2(9)” to “subsection 2(7)”;
  • Adding the word “a” to Section 503.3, subsection 2(2);
  • Correcting references in Section 503.20, subsections 3(5), 4(6), and 5(7), from “subsection 8” to “subsection 7”; and
  • Adjusting whitespace to standardize formatting throughout Sections 503.3 and 503.20.

The AESO is of the opinion that the scope of the issues identified is minimal. Therefore, the AESO is targeting completion of stakeholder consultation for the proposed amended Sections 503.3 and 503.20 by July, 2024.

  • Purpose

    Pursuant to Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) Rule 017, Procedures and Process for Development of ISO Rules and Filing of ISO Rules with the Alberta Utilities Commission, the AESO is providing notice and seeking feedback from stakeholders on administrative amendments to Sections 503.3 and 503.20 of the ISO rules, which will correct internal cross-referencing errors and clarify the language of the ISO rules without changing their effect. The Stakeholder Feedback Survey will be open for comments on AESO Engage until July 16, 2024. For additional information, please see the June 25, 2024 Letter of Notice.

    We value Stakeholder input and invite all interested stakeholders to provide their comments on, or raise any concerns with, the proposed administrative amendments to Sections 503.3 and 503.20 of the ISO rules.

    AESO responses to stakeholder comments

    In accordance with AUC Rule 017, the AESO will post all comments it receives, provide written responses, and post those responses on AESO Engage.


    Can be found in the AESO Materials section.


    1. To submit your responses, you will need to be registered and signed in on the AESO Engage platform.
    2. Please click on the "Submit Stakeholder Feedback" box below to begin the survey and provide your specific comments.
    3. Please submit one completed survey per organization.
    4. All responses will be shared on AESO Engage.
    5. Responses are due on or before July 16, 2024.

    Stakeholder Questions:

    1. Do you have comments on the proposed administrative amendments to Section 503.3 of the ISO rules?
    2. Do you have comments on the proposed administrative amendments to Section 503.20 of the ISO rules?
    Complete Stakeholder Feedback
Page last updated: 27 Jun 2024, 07:59 AM