Written Consultation | April 26 - May 17, 2024
The AESO is proposing amendments to ID #2012-006R to amend some of the variables and assumptions used in the methodology that the AESO relies upon to assess and report on the short-term adequacy of supply under subsection 3 of Section 202.6. The methodology, variables and assumptions are set out in Appendix 3 of ID #2012-006R, Calculations and Methodologies regarding Supply Adequacy (“Appendix 3”).
The AESO is providing stakeholders with an opportunity to provide feedback on its proposed amendments. A copy of the AESO’s proposed revisions to ID 2012-006R has been posted on the AESO website on April 26, 2024. The comment period for Stakeholder feedback will be open on AESO Engage until May 17, 2024.
Written comments received from Stakeholders in response to the AESO's April 26, 2024, Letter of Notice regarding Amended ID #21012-006R have been posted responses to those comments have been posted as well. Thank you to all the Stakeholders who participated in this consultation.
Written Consultation materials
Can be found in the AESO Materials on the right-hand side of the page.