
The AESO analyzed and assessed how to meet reliability needs through the development of a comprehensive Reliability Requirements Roadmap and related action plans. Preliminary perspectives were shared at a stakeholder information session in August 2022 (Sustaining Reliability through the Transformation), where the highest priority identified was frequency response capability.

The AESO took action to address reliability challenges by introducing a new initiative—a Request for Information (RFI) for Solutions to Mitigate the Instantaneous Impacts of Sudden Supply Loss. The RFI deadline was Nov. 30, 2022, submissions were reviewed, and an update was published by the target date of March 31, 2023.

In our 2021 Technology Forward Report, the AESO notes that cross-functional collaboration with industry, stakeholders and government is essential to successfully address the opportunities and challenges presented by new technologies and a changing supply mix. This RFI enabled the AESO to capitalize on industry knowledge and expertise to identify technological solutions potentially available for implementation between 2024 and no later than 2031 to manage the instantaneous impacts of sudden supply loss under different system conditions.

Consultation has concluded
