Written Feedback on REM High-Level Design | Dec. 12, 2024 - Jan. 17, 2025
The AESO values stakeholder input and invites all interested parties to provide their feedback on the REM high-level design via the following stakeholder feedback form by Jan. 17, 2025 at 4 p.m. MDT. Please be as specific as possible with your responses. Thank you for your input.
The AESO has been working extensively with industry stakeholders and market participants, partner agencies and government to ensure the Restructured Energy Market (REM) design provides a strong foundation for the Alberta electricity system, ensuring it’s affordable, reliable, investable and sustainable for generations to come.
We have released a REM High-Level Design that will be relied on to progress finalizing a complete design that best fits for Alberta’s purposes and reaches the REM objectives. We have progressed the design and narrowed the breadth of options that were being considered through our Design Sprint Sessions and the stakeholder feedback received so far. This round of written feedback will be used to build upcoming consultation activities that will assist in further refining and finalizing the REM.
The sections in this document correspond to those in the REM High-Level Design. We have identified specific areas where we are seeking additional input from stakeholders. Responses in each section are optional.
- Please fill out the sections as indicated
- Only one completed feedback form will be accepted per organization
- To upload your completed feedback form:
- You will need to be registered and signed in on the AESO Engage platform
- You will need to be on the REM Technical Design page (https://www.aesoengage.aeso.ca/rem-technical-design), which can be found on the AESO website at www.aeso.ca and follow the path: AESO Engage (found on very top navigation bar) > REM Technical Design > Stakeholder Feedback > Written Feedback on REM High-Level Design | Dec. 13, 2024 – Jan. 17, 2025
- Click on the "Upload File" box at the bottom of this page to submit your completed feedback form
- All responses will be shared on AESO Engage in their original format
- Responses due by January 17, 2025 at 4 p.m. MDT
Stakeholder Questions
- Comments From (Organization)
- Respondent Name (First, Last)
- Respondent Title
- Respondent Email
1. What are the three topics within the REM that you would like us to prioritize for further stakeholder engagement?
2. Which components of the REM, as they were presented in the High-Level Design, do you support?
3. Which components of the REM, as they were presented in the High-Level Design, do you have concerns with?
4. Do you have any general comments about the REM design that have yet to be addressed? Please specify.
5. Do you have any comments or suggestions on the stakeholder engagement and participation options that you want the AESO to consider when building the engagement plan for 2025? (i.e., in-person format, frequency, virtual information sessions, written feedback, governance, decision-making, etc.)
Registration – Section 6
6. Is there anything not captured under ‘Outstanding Items’ relating to Registration that should be considered?
7. Do you have any input to provide on the outstanding items listed?
8. Other comments
Day-Ahead Market – Section 7
9. Is there anything not captured under ‘Outstanding Items’ on the Day-Ahead Market that should be considered?
10. Do you have any input to provide on the outstanding items listed?
11. Other comments
Intraday Unit Commitment Process – Section 8
12. Is there anything not captured under ‘Outstanding Items’ on the Intraday Unit Commitment Process that should be considered?
13. Are there appropriate alternatives to the intraday commitment process to address the reliability needs that may emerge between day-ahead and real-time market clearing?
14. Do you have any input to provide on the outstanding items listed?
15. Other comments
Real-Time Market – Section 9
16. Is there anything not captured under ‘Outstanding Items’ for the Real-Time Market that should be considered?
17. Do you have any input to provide on the outstanding items listed?
18. Other comments
Congestion Management – Section 10
19. Is there anything not captured under ‘Outstanding Items’ around Congestion Management that should be considered?
20. Is CAM the appropriate market-based congestion management mechanism to manage congestion? If not, why not?
21. If not, can the CAM be modified in such a way to become an appropriate to manage congestion? If yes, how?
22. What additional [other] market-based congestion management mechanisms should be considered? And how do they meet the recent policy directions?
23. Do you have any input to provide on the outstanding items listed?
24. Other comments
Market Power Mitigation – Section 11
25. Is there anything not captured under ‘Outstanding Items’ on Market Power Mitigation that should be considered?
26. Do you have any input to provide on the outstanding items listed?
27. Other comments
Scarcity Pricing Curve – Section 12
28. Is there anything not captured under ‘Outstanding Items’ on the Scarcity Pricing Curve that should be considered?
29. Do you have any input to provide on those outstanding items?
30. Other comments
Market Settlement – Section 13
31. Is there anything not captured under ‘Outstanding Items’ on Market Settlement that should be considered?
32. Do you have any input to provide on the outstanding items listed?
33. Other comments
View the REM High-Level Design Feedback Form here or in the AESO materials section.