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REM Recommendation & Design Elements Survey | April 17 - 30, 2024

We value your input and would like to ask all interested stakeholders to provide their feedback on the AESO's REM Recommendation & Design Elements. Specifically, what stakeholders view as beneficial and what stakeholders view as creating concern regarding the REM recommendation and design elements meeting the objectives of Reliability, Affordability, Decarbonization by 2050 and Reasonable Implementation. 

The survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete and will remain open until April 30, 2024. Results of the survey will be shared on AESO Engage in their original state and will be shared with the Ministry of Affordability & Utilities (MAU) as they would like to further understand industry’s views on the REM Recommendation to inform their on-going decision making.

Thank you in advance for providing this important feedback.


  1. To submit your feedback, you will need to be registered and signed in on the AESO Engage platform.
  2. Please click on the "Complete Stakeholder Survey" box below to provide your specific comments.
  3. Please submit one completed Stakeholder Survey per organization.
  4. Results will be posted on AESO Engage in their original state.
  5. Responses due on or before April 30, 2024.

Stakeholder Survey Questions

  1. Please indicate which category your organization predominantly represents:
    • Generation (thermal or diversified fuel mix)
    • Load
    • DFO / TFO
    • Renewables
    • Storage
    • Retailer
    • Other
  2. Name of Organization
  3. First and Last Name
  4. My organization is a member of the Market Pathways Executive Working Group (EWG).
  5. What aspects of the REM Recommendation and Design Elements do you believe are beneficial to meet the objectives of Reliability, Affordability, Decarbonization by 2050 and Reasonable Implementation? Please provide your rationale and be as specific as possible.
  6. What aspects of the REM Recommendation and Design Elements do you believe create concerns for meeting the objectives of Reliability, Affordability, Decarbonization by 2050 and Reasonable Implementation? Please provide your rationale and be as specific as possible.
  7. What are the top three market design elements you believe need most focus during stakeholder engagement? Please provide your rationale and be as specific as possible.
  8. I have a good understanding of how the Restructured Energy Market recommendation will work in Alberta.
  9. If you answered neutral, disagree or strongly disagree to question 8, what aspects of the REM recommendation would you like additional information or clarification on? Please be specific.
  10. Any additional comments