Background Information

Since announcements made at IPPSA in March 2024, the industry has had the time to digest the Government of Alberta's Interim Market Power Mitigation and Supply Cushion Regulations, as well as the AESO’s Restructured Energy Market (REM) Recommendation Report. On April 22 and 23, 2024, the AESO brought the Market Pathways Executive Working Group (EWG) back together to:

  • Build deeper understanding of the REM, its rationale, intent, and the potential impacts on Alberta’s energy market and industry;
  • Discuss and begin to identify the key design questions most impactful and important to industry that need to be answered as we move forward with the REM;
  • Understand which elements stakeholders support and which elements stakeholders have concerns with and why; and
  • Review the AESO's high-level timeline and determine how to best engage on the technical market design and rules, in an accelerated timeline in accordance with the direction letter provided by the Minister.

After the EWG session in April the AESO sought feedback from EWG members and all market participants on the REM Recommendation Report through a survey. The AESO is reviewing survey results which will be shared with the Ministry of Affordability & Utilities in May. Details from the survey results will help to inform the engagement plan moving forward.

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