REM Intertie Participation - PAGE TO BE ARCHIVED AUGUST 30, 2024

Important Information and Deadlines

  • This page will be archived on August 30, 2024. Visit the REM Technical Design page for all REM Intertie Participation materials and deadlines.


Intertie Participation is one element of the Restructured Energy Market (REM) design. This initial written consultation is intended to gather insight from and build understanding around the AESO's approach and evaluation of options considered. Inputs shared will be used to help guide future engagements with stakeholders on the overall REM design and determine the preferred path forward specific to interties, how they factor into the other technical workstreams, and connect to the overall REM objectives of:

  • Affordability
  • Reliability
  • Decarbonization by 2050
  • Reasonable implementation

For more detailed background and prior consultation activities on the REM technical design, visit here.

Important Information and Deadlines

  • This page will be archived on August 30, 2024. Visit the REM Technical Design page for all REM Intertie Participation materials and deadlines.


Intertie Participation is one element of the Restructured Energy Market (REM) design. This initial written consultation is intended to gather insight from and build understanding around the AESO's approach and evaluation of options considered. Inputs shared will be used to help guide future engagements with stakeholders on the overall REM design and determine the preferred path forward specific to interties, how they factor into the other technical workstreams, and connect to the overall REM objectives of:

  • Affordability
  • Reliability
  • Decarbonization by 2050
  • Reasonable implementation

For more detailed background and prior consultation activities on the REM technical design, visit here.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.


    The AESO is seeking to increase understanding and explore intertie participation options with stakeholders to gather input on the four options considered. Your responses will inform progress on planning and preparation for upcoming REM design consultations in the fall.


    The REM Intertie Participation Options Paper (can also be found under AESO Materials)


    1. To submit your responses, you will need to be registered and signed in on the AESO Engage platform.
    2. Please click on the "Complete Stakeholder Feedback" box below to begin the survey and provide your specific comments.
    3. Please submit one completed survey per organization.
    4. All responses will be shared on AESO Engage in their original format.
    5. Responses are due on or before Aug. 9, 2024.

    Stakeholder Questions

    1. What segment of the industry do you represent? (select all that apply)
    2. Do you agree that the objectives of intertie participation align with the overall objectives of REM (affordability, reliability, decarbonization by 2050, and reasonable implementation)?
    3. Are there any additional objectives that should be considered for intertie participation?
    4. Do you agree with the descriptions of the four categories of intertie participation options?
    5. Do you have any comments on the intertie participation options?
    6. Are there other intertie participation options that should be considered?
    7. How would you evaluate the 'Status-quo: Self-scheduled offers/bids are price takers' option against the overall objectives of the REM?
    8. Do you have any additional comments to share about question 7?
    9. How would you evaluate the 'Priced Interties: Economic offers/bids' option against the overall objectives of the REM?
    10. Do you have any additional comments to share about question 9?
    11. How would you evaluate the 'Optimized intertie scheduling between ISO footprints' option against the overall objectives of the REM?
    12. Do you have any additional comments to share about question 11?
    13. Do you agree with the AESO’s assessment of intertie option 4 ‘AESO joins one of the Western Markets (Markets+ or EDAM)?
    14. If you picked 'no' for question 13, how would you evaluate the 'AESO joins one of the Western Markets (Markets+ or EDAM)' option against the overall objectives of the REM?
    15. Do you have any additional comments to share about questions 13 and 14?
    16. Rank the intertie participation options in terms of meeting the overall objectives of the REM (with 1 being most preferred and 4 least preferred).
    17. Do you agree with identified interdependencies between intertie participation and other aspects of the REM design?
    18. Are there additional interdependencies that should be considered?
    19. Does your ranking in question 16 align with your ranking of the participation options in terms of which should be discussed during the REM consultation? If not, please explain which options should be prioritized.
    20. Do you have any other questions about intertie participation that have not yet been addressed or included in the options paper?
    21. If you are a consultant submitting comments on behalf of an organization, please list the organization(s) here. 
    22. If you would like to attach one document containing additional information (ie. formatted version of your comments, existing papers, reports or other documents) relating to intertie participation, please do so here.
Page last updated: 16 Aug 2024, 03:32 PM