Lifecycle Planned Activities | Sept 2021 to 2022

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Kick-off Session | Sept. 21, 2021

Session purpose and objectives

The purpose of this session is to engage stakeholders in a conversation of the concept of the Market Tools User Group, the AESO’s roadmap for the existing market tools and on the data portal enhancements. The specific objectives include:

  • Introduce the concept and overall purpose of the Market Tools User Group
  • Present the roadmap for ETS, ADaMS, and the data portal
  • Present potential enhancements to the data portal
  • Gather input from stakeholders on the parameters of the Market Tools User Group, the roadmap and market tool improvements

Planned Activities | 2022


  • Launch Market Tools User Groups "Focus Groups" as needed to dive deep into topics where participant needs should play a strong role in setting goals. Each focus group:
    • Will have a clearly defined scope targeting a specific audience and will be open to all market participants
    • Will use a variety of tools, from online surveys to live brainstorming sessions, as best suits the topic under discussion and the progress on the topic.
    • Will report out on its progress and findings to all participants and accept comments from those not actively contributing to the focus group.
  • Publish quarterly updates including summary of focus group activities and promoting any upcoming activities
  • Host a Market Tools User Conference

Ext. Data Access Focus Group | March 30, 2022


The purpose of the virtual session is to engage stakeholders in a discussion of their current and future data needs and to offer insight into the AESO’s current focus on data and the methods of data access. This discussion will aid prioritization of initiatives to expand external data access, how to share the data (e.g., reports, Application Programming Interfaces, or Portals), and the development of metadata.

ETS & ADaMS Focus Group | May 17, 2022


The purpose of the session is to engage users of ETS (Energy Trading System) and ADaMS (Automated Dispatch and Messaging System) in a discussion of their current and future needs regarding offer and dispatch management to help AESO shape the three to five-year roadmap for these functions, currently managed by the ETS and ADaMS solutions.

Consultation has been postponed until further notice.

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