EWG Summary and Straw Market Models | Request for Feedback

CLOSED: This feedback period has concluded.


At the AESO Stakeholder Symposium on November 30, 2023, we shared a high-level Summary from the EWG with all stakeholders. All interested stakeholders were invited to provide written feedback to share their insights and perspectives on the Market Pathways EWG Summary and on which straw market model overall stakeholders feel best achieves the four objectives.

The four objectives:

  1. A Reliable Electric Grid
  2. Affordable Electricity for Consumers
  3. Decarbonization by 2050 and Related Policy Objectives
  4. Reasonable and Realistic Implementation

The four objectives have been developed based on:

  • AESO’s mandate and experience planning and operating the electricity system and designing, implementing and operating the wholesale electricity and ancillary services markets
  • AESO’s observations of public discussion from both stakeholders and the Government of Alberta related to the current policy landscape
  • EWG Input

The objectives were used to focus the report that was submitted to the Minister of Affordability and Utilities on February 1, 2024

Throughout the EWG Sprint sessions, the straw market models have been broadly defined as follows:

  • Energy-Only (Day Ahead or Real Time): Market model where supply type, size, and timing are determined by private sector investors without direction from a central agency, as determined by expectation of market conditions (for all products).
  • Capacity Contract: A competitive auction that procures capacity to meet reliability targets. Typically, auctions are held at regular intervals and contract lengths are short duration (6 months – 5 years).
  • Integrated Planning: Long Term Contracts that can be issued by a central agency (e.g., Ontario ISO) or a utility (e.g., BC Hydro energy calls) as part of their integrated resource plan to procure private sector investment through directed investment (type, size, location determined as part of an overall system plan).

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Request for Feedback

We value stakeholder feedback, and we thank you for sharing your perspectives with us. The feedback received on the EWG Summary and Straw Market Models can be found under Stakeholder Submissions on the right-hand side of the page.

Consultation has concluded
