Written Consultation on Proposed Templates to Support s. 206.2 of the ISO Rules | May 24 - June 3, 2024

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.


The AESO is providing Stakeholders with two new proposed templates to support proposed Section 206.2, which facilitates the requirements and objectives of the Supply Cushion Regulation. The Templates will be appendices to the Information Document for proposed Section 206.2.

In the Letter of Notice accompanying the Proposed Interim Market Mitigation ISO Rules posted for Stakeholder comments on May 21, 2024, the AESO stated that it would post the Templates supporting proposed Section 206.2 for Stakeholder comment. The AESO is now providing Stakeholders with a copy of its two proposed Templates:

Written Consultation Materials

Can be found under AESO Materials > Written Consultation | Proposed New Templates

Stakeholder Feedback

We value stakeholder feedback, and we thank you for sharing your perspectives with us. All stakeholder comments that were received are available in the Stakeholder Submissions section.

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