Updated Draft ID 2024-005 and Final Templates
The AESO is providing stakeholders with an updated draft Information Document, ID #2024-005, Interim Supply Cushion Directives (“ID #2024-005”) and the final versions of the Estimated Cost Parameters and Physical Constraints Template and the Actual Incremental Costs Calculation Template (collectively, the “Templates”), which are appendices to ID #2024-005. ID #2024-005 supports proposed Section 206.2 of the ISO rules, Interim Supply Cushion Directives, which facilitates the requirements and objectives of the Supply Cushion Regulation, AR 42/2024. The AESO notes that the Actual Incremental Costs Calculation Template has not changed from the draft version posted on May 24, 2024.
In the Letter of Notice accompanying the proposed Templates posted for Stakeholder comment on May 24, 2024, the AESO stated that it would post the Information Document supporting proposed Section 206.2, including the final Templates, no later than June 14, 2024.
Under proposed Section 206.2 of the ISO rules, applicable pool participants will be required to submit estimated cost parameters and accurate physical constraints for an eligible long lead time asset using the Estimated Cost Parameters and Physical Constraints Template by June 21, 2024. The AESO is posting the final Estimated Cost Parameters and Physical Constraints Template so that applicable pool participants can be prepared to submit their estimated cost parameters and accurate physical constraints for an eligible long lead time asset as the AESO will request that subsection 2 of proposed Section 206.2 come into effect on June 21, 2024 in its expedited ISO rule filing with the Alberta Utilities Commission.
ID #2024-005, including the Templates as appendices, will be posted to the AESO website on June 21, 2024. The final version of ID #2024-004, Interim Secondary Offer Cap (ID #2024-004), which supports Section 206.1 of the ISO rules, Interim Secondary Offer Cap, will be posted to the AESO website on July 1, 2024. Please note that ID #2024-004 may be revised from the version posted on AESO Engage on May 30, 2024 prior to final posting on the AESO website. The AESO also notes that ID #2024-004 and #2024-005 may be subject to updates post-July 1, 2024 implementation of Section 206.1 and 206.2 of the ISO rules; any updates will be communicated in the AESO’s weekly Stakeholder Newsletter.
Can be found under AESO Materials > Updated Draft Information Document 2024-005 and Final Templates