Final blacklines of proposed Sections 206.1 and 206.2 since May 21, 2024
The AESO is providing stakeholders with final blacklines of proposed Section 206.1 of the ISO rules, Interim Secondary Offer Cap (“Section 206.1”), and proposed Section 206.2 of the ISO rules, Interim Supply Cushion Directives (“Section 206.2”). The blacklines reflect changes the AESO has made from the drafts of Section 206.1 and Section 206.2 posted on AESO Engage on May 21, 2024.
The AESO has made minor changes to Section 206.1 and Section 206.2 in response to stakeholder feedback and to ensure effective technical implementation of the requirements and objectives of the Market Power Mitigation Regulation and the Supply Cushion Regulation.
The blacklines posted today will be filed with the AESO’s Application for Expedited Approval of Interim Market Power Mitigation Rules with the Alberta Utilities Commission (the “Application”). Clean versions of Section 206.1 and 206.2 will be available as appendices to the Application.
Can be found under AESO Materials > Final Blacklines - Proposed Sections 206.1 and 206.2 since May 21, 2024