Draft Information Documents 2024-004 and 2024-005
The AESO is providing stakeholders with two draft Information Documents. ID 2024-004, Secondary Offer Cap, supports proposed Section 206.1 of the ISO Rules, which facilitates the requirements and objectives of the Market Power Mitigation Regulation, AR 43/2024. ID 2024-005, Interim Supply Cushion Directives, supports proposed Section 206.2 of the ISO Rules, which facilitates the requirements and objectives of the Supply Cushion Regulation, AR 42/2024.
In the Letter of Notice accompanying the Proposed Interim Market Mitigation ISO Rules posted for Stakeholder comment on May 21, 2024, the AESO stated that it would post drafts of the information documents for Stakeholder awareness in late May 2024. The AESO is proving these Information Documents to assist Stakeholders in understanding how the AESO intends to implement Section 206.1 and Section 206.2. Please note that the draft Information Documents may be revised prior to final posting on the AESO website.
Can be found under AESO Materials > Draft Information Documents