2022 Information Session | Oct. 20, 2022
Session purpose
To provide an update and details on the following key transmission system projects in Alberta:
- Recap of transmission capital investments outlined in 2022 LTP
- CETO and PENV updates
- South area transmission developments
- Vauxhall area transmission development
- Voltage support at Bowmanton
- 240 kV southeast development and update on risks of a double circuit contingency
- 853L Upgrade
- Stavely area transmission development
- City of Edmonton transmission reinforcement
- Power flow control pilot project
- CRPC and intertie restoration update
- Updated capital investments and rate impact
Can be found in the Materials section on the right-hand side of the page.
Dec 8, 2022 Update to materials:
Following the virtual Oct. 20th, 2022, Transmission System Projects Overview information session, the AESO identified two charts showing Transmission Rate Projection (TRP) information weren’t reflecting the latest information. Charts shown on slide 13 and slide 37 were prepared using older TRP information. We have since updated the charts with the latest TRP information, and the new charts are now included in the updated presentation found in the Materials section on the right-hand side of the page.

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