Evaluation of Most Severe Single Contingency

Consultation has concluded

Purpose and Conclusion

The purpose of this engagement was to inform industry on the Most Severe Single Contingency (MSSC) in Alberta, what it is and its current limits, and to report on the AESO’s recent analysis of the MSSC in an Evaluation of the Most Severe Single Contingency Options Paper (MSSC Options Paper). Stakeholder suggestions and feedback on the MSSC Options Paper were considered in the AESO's decision on whether to change the MSSC limit in Alberta.

The AESO announced its decision at the June 27, 2023, Stakeholder Symposium. For a complete overview of the decision, please refer to slides 37-41 of the presentation that was delivered at the Symposium, which can be found under AESO Materials in the Decision Announcement folder.

Purpose and Conclusion

The purpose of this engagement was to inform industry on the Most Severe Single Contingency (MSSC) in Alberta, what it is and its current limits, and to report on the AESO’s recent analysis of the MSSC in an Evaluation of the Most Severe Single Contingency Options Paper (MSSC Options Paper). Stakeholder suggestions and feedback on the MSSC Options Paper were considered in the AESO's decision on whether to change the MSSC limit in Alberta.

The AESO announced its decision at the June 27, 2023, Stakeholder Symposium. For a complete overview of the decision, please refer to slides 37-41 of the presentation that was delivered at the Symposium, which can be found under AESO Materials in the Decision Announcement folder.

Consultation has concluded
  • Decision Process | February to June 2023

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The AESO appreciates the feedback provided by stakeholders on the MSSC Options Paper. Stakeholder comments and submissions can be viewed under Submissions > Options Paper Stakeholder Feedback, located on the right-hand side of this page. On Feb. 21, 2023, a Summary of Stakeholder Feedback was published for review.

    Forming a Decision

    The AESO considered stakeholder suggestions and feedback received through this engagement initiative in conjunction with the following to inform our decision:


    The AESO announced its decision at the June 27, 2023, Stakeholder Symposium. For a complete overview of the decision, please refer to slides 37-41 of the presentation that was delivered at the Symposium, which can be found under AESO Materials in the Decision Announcement folder.

  • Information Session 2 | Oct. 20, 2022

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The AESO published the Evaluation of the Most Severe Single Contingency Options Paper on Oct. 13, 2022, and hosted a virtual Information Session on Oct. 20, 2022, from 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.


    The purpose of the session was to review the MSSC Options Paper and answer clarifying questions prior to having stakeholders submit written comments.

    Information session materials

    The MSSC Options Paper, presentation and webinar audio recording can be found in the Materials section, and stakeholder comments and submissions and be found in the Submissions section; both sections are located on the right-hand side of this page.

  • Lifecycle Planned Activities | Nov 2021 to Dec 2023

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    Engagement Session 1 | Nov. 4, 2021


    • Provide stakeholders with a foundational understanding of MSSC
    • Review current limits of MSSC
    • Present the AESO’s analyses of the MSSC options including explaining the AESO’s methodology and assumptions used, and seek stakeholder feedback

    Information Session 2 | Oct. 20, 2022


    • Review Options paper
    • Answer clarifying questions
    • Outline next steps for stakeholder feedback

    Planned Activities 2022


    • Provide high-level overview of stakeholder feedback received and post (February)
    • Develop next steps and post (February)
    • Stakeholder feedback gathered will be further reviewed and considered as the AESO develops an Options paper (March to August)
    • Post Options paper (October)
    • Host a stakeholder session on the Options paper (October)
    • Seek stakeholder input on Options paper (October-November)

    Planned Activities 2023


    • Consider feedback on MSSC Options Paper (early 2023)
    • Post decision (June)
    • Host a stakeholder information session on the decision (June)
  • Engagement Session 1 | Nov. 4, 2021

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The AESO hosted a virtual stakeholder engagement session on Nov. 4, 2021, from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.


    The purpose of this session was to:

    • Provide stakeholders with a foundational understanding of MSSC
    • Review current limits of MSSC
    • Present the AESO’s analyses of the MSSC options including explaining the AESO’s methodology and assumptions used, and seek stakeholder feedback

    Stakeholder comments

    We value stakeholder feedback and we thank you for sharing your perspectives with us. View all stakeholder comments received on the MSSC Options Paper in the Submissions section on the right-hand side of the page.

    Engagement session materials

    Session materials can be found in the Materials section on the right-hand side of the page.