Bulk Transmission Line Technical Requirements

Key Dates

January 29, 2025 | Findings & Recommendations Paper and supporting materials posted


The AESO is initiating a new engagement on Bulk Transmission Line Technical Requirements. Desired outcomes of this engagement include:

  1. Identifying cost-reduction opportunities for bulk transmission line projects;
  2. Providing enhanced clarity to stakeholders about the existing bulk transmission line technical requirements, with a goal of receiving fewer waiver and variance requests about the requirements; and
  3. Exploring and discussing recent changes in technology and standards relating to bulk transmission lines.

The AESO has developed the initial Issues List for stakeholders’ consideration and a series of Stakeholder Feedback Survey questions that will inform the AESO’s determination of the scope of the engagement. The AESO intends to host roundtable technical discussions during Q2 and Q3 of 2023 and invites interested stakeholders to participate. Given the subject matter of the engagement, the AESO envisions active participation from the following parties operating in Alberta:

  • transmission facility owners;
  • all types of industrial systems (i.e., not limited to industrial systems designated by the Alberta Utilities Commission) with transmission facilities;
  • generating facility owners who have built or are intending to build transmission facilities under the Market Participant Choice program; and
  • other parties who, in the AESO's view, are able to provide valuable input during the roundtable discussions.

To promote process efficiency, participation in the roundtable technical discussions will allow for one primary representative and one delegate. If both the primary and delegate representative are available, both representatives may attend the roundtable. The AESO will also provide periodic updates to participants not actively participating but who remain interested in the status of the engagement.

If, as a result of this engagement, the AESO determines that changes to AESO authoritative documents are required, these will be addressed through the applicable processes for developing ISO rules and Alberta reliability standards.


Bulk Transmission Line Technical Requirements are primarily addressed in Section 502.2 of the ISO rules, Bulk Transmission Line Technical Requirements (Section 502.2). Section 502.2 has been in effect since January 1, 2012, to ensure a consistent approach to the design and operation of bulk transmission lines within Alberta. Section 502.2 addresses the minimum technical requirements in the areas of line design, construction, and operation to facilitate a fair, cost effective, and reliable transmission system.

In 2014, the AESO formed a technical working group (TWG) to review the minimum requirements for the design, construction and operation of bulk transmission lines. The TWG met multiple times between 2014 and 2018 to clarify requirements in Section 502.2 and explore opportunities to reduce transmission facility costs.

In 2019, the review of Section 502.2 was paused as a result of other AESO initiatives. Considering the amount of time that has elapsed since the initiation of the original TWG, the AESO is of the view that initiating a fresh engagement on bulk transmission line technical requirements would be more efficient than continuing with the prior consultation. Accordingly, the AESO has archived the prior consultation and is initiating this new engagement in Spring 2023.

Key Dates

January 29, 2025 | Findings & Recommendations Paper and supporting materials posted


The AESO is initiating a new engagement on Bulk Transmission Line Technical Requirements. Desired outcomes of this engagement include:

  1. Identifying cost-reduction opportunities for bulk transmission line projects;
  2. Providing enhanced clarity to stakeholders about the existing bulk transmission line technical requirements, with a goal of receiving fewer waiver and variance requests about the requirements; and
  3. Exploring and discussing recent changes in technology and standards relating to bulk transmission lines.

The AESO has developed the initial Issues List for stakeholders’ consideration and a series of Stakeholder Feedback Survey questions that will inform the AESO’s determination of the scope of the engagement. The AESO intends to host roundtable technical discussions during Q2 and Q3 of 2023 and invites interested stakeholders to participate. Given the subject matter of the engagement, the AESO envisions active participation from the following parties operating in Alberta:

  • transmission facility owners;
  • all types of industrial systems (i.e., not limited to industrial systems designated by the Alberta Utilities Commission) with transmission facilities;
  • generating facility owners who have built or are intending to build transmission facilities under the Market Participant Choice program; and
  • other parties who, in the AESO's view, are able to provide valuable input during the roundtable discussions.

To promote process efficiency, participation in the roundtable technical discussions will allow for one primary representative and one delegate. If both the primary and delegate representative are available, both representatives may attend the roundtable. The AESO will also provide periodic updates to participants not actively participating but who remain interested in the status of the engagement.

If, as a result of this engagement, the AESO determines that changes to AESO authoritative documents are required, these will be addressed through the applicable processes for developing ISO rules and Alberta reliability standards.


Bulk Transmission Line Technical Requirements are primarily addressed in Section 502.2 of the ISO rules, Bulk Transmission Line Technical Requirements (Section 502.2). Section 502.2 has been in effect since January 1, 2012, to ensure a consistent approach to the design and operation of bulk transmission lines within Alberta. Section 502.2 addresses the minimum technical requirements in the areas of line design, construction, and operation to facilitate a fair, cost effective, and reliable transmission system.

In 2014, the AESO formed a technical working group (TWG) to review the minimum requirements for the design, construction and operation of bulk transmission lines. The TWG met multiple times between 2014 and 2018 to clarify requirements in Section 502.2 and explore opportunities to reduce transmission facility costs.

In 2019, the review of Section 502.2 was paused as a result of other AESO initiatives. Considering the amount of time that has elapsed since the initiation of the original TWG, the AESO is of the view that initiating a fresh engagement on bulk transmission line technical requirements would be more efficient than continuing with the prior consultation. Accordingly, the AESO has archived the prior consultation and is initiating this new engagement in Spring 2023.

  • Roundtable Technical Discussion 5 | December 6, 2023

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.


    The purpose of the session is to continue reviewing bulk transmission line technical requirements, which are primarily addressed in Section 502.2 of the ISO rules, Bulk Transmission Line Technical Requirements.

    This is the fifth session of planned roundtable technical discussions during Q3 and Q4 of 2023. While time may not permit all topics to be covered the AESO asks that attendees come prepared for an active discussion on issues from the Issues List that will be posted after the fourth roundtable discussion.

    Session Details

    Date: Wednesday, December 6, 2023

    Time: 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

    In-person option: 240Fourth
    Meeting Room 6006
    6th floor, 240 - 4th Avenue SW
    Calgary, AB T2P 4H4

    Virtual option: Teams webinar


    Can be found in the AESO Materials section. The Presentation and Agenda will be posted on or before November 29, 2023.

  • Roundtable Technical Discussion 4 | November 23, 2023

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.


    The purpose of the session is to continue reviewing bulk transmission line technical requirements, which are primarily addressed in Section 502.2 of the ISO rules, Bulk Transmission Line Technical Requirements.

    This is the fourth session of planned roundtable technical discussions during Q3 and Q4 of 2023. While time may not permit all topics to be covered the AESO asks that attendees come prepared for an active discussion on issues from the Issues List as outlined in the Invitation.

    Session Details

    Date: Thursday, November 23, 2023

    Time: 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

    In-person option: 240Fourth
    Meeting Room 6006
    6th floor, 240 - 4th Avenue SW
    Calgary, AB T2P 4H4

    Virtual option: Teams webinar

    Registration: You must pre-register to participate and can do so by clicking the secure link here. Please select whether you will attend in person or virtually.

    To allow the AESO to host the most effective hybrid session possible, it is important that the AESO has an accurate in-person and virtual attendance list prior to the start of the session. As a result, we ask stakeholders to please let the AESO know if your attendance status changes by emailing rules_comments@aeso.ca, as soon as possible.

    Subsequent Roundtable Dates

    The final roundtable discussion will be held on:

    • Wednesday, December 6, 2023, 9:30 am – 4:00 pm

    Detailed invitations will be sent out for each roundtable discussion a minimum of 3 weeks before the scheduled date.


    Can be found in the AESO Materials section. The Presentation and Agenda will be posted on or before November 16, 2023.

  • Roundtable Technical Discussion 3 | Oct. 25, 2023

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.


    The purpose of the session is to continue reviewing bulk transmission line technical requirements, which are primarily addressed in Section 502.2 of the ISO rules, Bulk Transmission Line Technical Requirements.

    This is the third session of planned roundtable technical discussions during Q3 and Q4 of 2023. While time may not permit all topics to be covered the AESO asks that attendees come prepared for an active discussion on issues from the Issues List as outlined in the Invitation.

    Session Details

    Date: Wednesday, October 25, 2023

    Time: 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

    In-person option: 240Fourth
    Meeting Room 6006
    6th floor, 240 - 4th Avenue SW
    Calgary, AB T2P 4H4

    ** The deadline for in-person registration is now closed **

    Virtual option: Teams webinar

    Registration: You must pre-register to participate and can do so by clicking the secure link here.

    To allow the AESO to host the most effective hybrid session possible, it is important that the AESO has an accurate in-person and virtual attendance list prior to the start of the session. As a result, we ask stakeholders to please let the AESO know if your attendance status changes by emailing rules_comments@aeso.ca, as soon as possible.

    Subsequent Roundtable Dates

    The remaining roundtable discussions will be held on the following dates:

    • Wednesday October 25, 2023, 9:30 am – 4:00 pm
    • Thursday, November 23, 2023, 9:30 am – 4:00 pm
      • In response scheduling conflicts among stakeholders, the AESO has revised the date for this session to ensure broader participation and better align with their availability.
    • Wednesday, December 6, 2023, 9:30 am – 4:00 pm

    Detailed invitations will be sent out for each roundtable discussion a minimum of 3 weeks before the scheduled date.


    Can be found in the AESO Materials section.

  • Roundtable Technical Discussion 2 | Sep. 20, 2023

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.


    The purpose of the session is to continue reviewing bulk transmission line technical requirements, which are primarily addressed in Section 502.2 of the ISO rules, Bulk Transmission Line Technical Requirements.

    This is the second session of planned roundtable technical discussions during Q3 and Q4 of 2023. While time may not permit all topics to be covered the AESO asks that attendees come prepared for an active discussion on issues from the Issues List as outlined in the Invitation.

    Session Details

    Date: Wednesday, September 20, 2023

    Time: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

    In-person option: 240Fourth
    Meeting Room 6006
    6th floor, 240 - 4th Avenue SW
    Calgary, AB T2P 4H4

    Virtual option: Teams webinar

    Registration: You must pre-register to participate and can do so by clicking the secure link here. Please note that in-person registration for this event is now closed. Virtual registration is still open to interested parties.

    To allow the AESO to host the most effective hybrid session possible, it is important that the AESO has an accurate in-person and virtual attendance list prior to the start of the session. As a result, we ask stakeholders to please let the AESO know if your attendance status changes by emailing rules_comments@aeso.ca, as soon as possible.

    Subsequent Roundtable Dates

    The remaining roundtable discussions will be held on the following dates:

    • Wednesday October 25, 2023, 9:30 am – 4:00 pm
    • Thursday, November 16, 2023, 9:30 am – 4:00 pm
    • Wednesday, December 6, 2023, 9:30 am – 4:00 pm

    Detailed invitations will be sent out for each roundtable discussion a minimum of 3 weeks before the scheduled date.


    Can be found in the AESO Materials section.

  • Roundtable Technical Discussion 1 | June 21, 2023

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.


    The purpose of the session is to review bulk transmission line technical requirements, which are primarily addressed in Section 502.2 of the ISO rules, Bulk Transmission Line Technical Requirements. The session kicks off a series of planned roundtable technical discussions during Q2 and Q3 of 2023. Objectives for the session include discussing participants’ perspectives and interests in the Bulk Transmission Line Technical Requirements engagement. Additional information is provided in the Invitation.

    Session Details

    Date: Wednesday, June 21, 2023

    Time: 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

    Virtual option: Teams webinar

    Registration: You must pre-register to participate and can do so by clicking the secure link here.

    Further to the AESO’s May 31, 2023 Invitation, and owing to insufficient interest from stakeholders in attending the session in-person, the AESO has decided to host the June 21 Roundtable Technical Discussion as a virtual-only session by means of Microsoft Teams webinar.

    Roundtable Technical Discussion 1 Materials

    Can be found in the AESO Materials section.

  • Issues List Written Consultation | April 21-June 6, 2023

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.


    Given the number of AESO initiatives currently underway, the AESO proposes to host roundtable technical discussions between June and September 2023 to review bulk transmission line technical requirements. The AESO prefers to host the discussions in the form of in-person stakeholder sessions, with the possibility of a hybrid format (i.e., combined virtual and in-person), if necessary, to accommodate stakeholders who cannot attend in person. The AESO has prepared a Stakeholder Poll to gauge stakeholders’ interest and preferences regarding the roundtable technical discussions.

    The AESO will determine further consultation steps pending the outcome of the roundtable technical discussions. The AESO expects that future consultation steps could include additional sessions, webinars, or written stakeholder feedback on specific issues. The AESO intends to produce a paper towards the conclusion of the engagement process summarizing its findings and recommendations based on input and feedback received during the stakeholder engagement process, with an opportunity for stakeholders to review and comment on the paper.

    If, as a result of this engagement, the AESO determines that changes to AESO authoritative documents are required, these will be addressed through the applicable processes for developing ISO rules and Alberta reliability standards.

    Stakeholder Comments

    Written comments received from Stakeholders in response to the AESO's April 21, 2023 Initial Issues List Survey have been posted. Thank you to all Stakeholders who participated in this consultation.

    Issues List Written Consultation Materials

    Can be found in the AESO Materials section.

Page last updated: 05 Feb 2025, 09:27 AM