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Request for Feedback | Engagement Session Nov. 21, 2022

The comments the AESO has received to date through the Alberta Reliability Standards (ARS) Enhancements Program initiative will continue to be used to guide the AESO's approach to completing ARS Roadmap workstream activities.

The AESO is seeking specific feedback from stakeholders on their perspectives as it relates to the proposed risk-based approach, the proposed approach to developing a risk-based methodology for the compliance monitoring program, and the proposed pace and activities scheduled for 2023. The AESO values stakeholder feedback and invites all interested stakeholders to provide their comments via the following Stakeholder Feedback form on or before Dec. 12, 2022. Please be as specific as possible with your responses. Thank you for your input.


  1. To submit your feedback, you will need to be registered and signed in on the AESO Engage platform.
  2. Please click on the "Complete Stakeholder Feedback" box below to provide your specific comments.
  3. Please submit one completed Stakeholder Feedback form per organization.
  4. Stakeholder Feedback results will be posted on AESO Engage, in their original state.
  5. Responses due on or before Dec. 12, 2022

Stakeholder Feedback Questions

  1. Is there any feedback you would like to provide the AESO with respect to the ARS Program Enhancements Stakeholder Engagement Session hosted on Nov. 21, 2022? Was there something the AESO could have done to make the session more helpful?
  2. Is there any feedback you would like to provide the AESO with respect to the Alberta risk methodology criteria presented at the Nov. 21 stakeholder session (slide 29) as well as the more complete list presented at Oct 27 RSDG (slides 29-31) found here (or visit the AESO website at and follow the path: Rules, Standards and Tariff > Alberta Reliability Standards > Reliability Standards Discussion Group)? Do you believe the AESO missed something crucial in the proposed risk-based methodology? If so, please specify.
  3. Is there any feedback you would like to provide the AESO with respect to what the AESO has presented on how the risk-based approach applies to the overall ARS Lifecyle? Do you believe the AESO missed something crucial on how we will apply the risk-based approach across the ARS Lifecycle? If so, please specify.
  4. The AESO proposes to use the risk-based elements in the NERC CMEP (Compliance Monitoring & Enforcement Program) for the Alberta risk-based Compliance Monitoring Program (CMP) as possible to prioritize ARS requirements for the CMP.  Do you believe there are elements other than those identified in the NERC CMEP that need to be included? If so, please specify.
  5. The AESO proposes to find a simplified way to assess an entity’s risk to the AIES, and only if necessary, to implement the more comprehensive NERC’s IRA (Inherent Risk Assessment) process. Do you support the AESO’s approach to finding an alternative solution to NERC IRA to determine an entity’s risk to the AIES? Why or why not?
  6. The AESO proposes to find a simplified way to assess an entity’s compliance risk, and only if necessary, to implement the more comprehensive NERC’s ICE (Internal Controls Evaluation) process. Do you support the AESO’s approach to finding an alternative solution to NERC ICE to determine an entity’s compliance profile? Why or why not?
  7. Is there any feedback you would like to provide the AESO with respect to the proposed pace and activities scheduled for 2023?