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Stakeholder Symposium Feedback | June 26-28, 2023

The AESO thanks stakeholders for taking the time to attend its inaugural Stakeholder Symposium and invites all interested stakeholders to provide their feedback on the event via the following Stakeholder Feedback Survey on or before June 28, 2023. Thank you for your input.

Stakeholder Feedback Questions

  1. Today was a valuable investment of my time
  2. Today provided a holistic view of the AESO's priorities and how they are inter-related.
  3. What key takeaways will you share with your organization?
  4. Was the Mentimeter platform easy to use? If not, please explain.
  5. In the future, I would like the AESO to provide more: 
    • Networking opportunities with senior industry leaders
    • Additional insight into AESO strategic priorities
    • Senior leadership roundtables/focused discussion on specific issues
    • Other (please explain)
  6. Any other feedback or suggestions