Stakeholder Session | October 5, 2023
The AESO held a hybrid Stakeholder Session from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on its 2024 BDP.
The purpose of the session was to engage stakeholders in a discussion of the AESO’s budget, areas of focus, and associated priorities for 2024.
Request for Feedback
The AESO requested feedback from all interested stakeholders to affirm we have determined the appropriate areas of focus, priorities, and pace, based on June 2023 stakeholder consultations. We will also determine if all crucial issues have been included in our priorities to support the future of electricity in the province and any associated impacts on capital or consulting dollars.
The AESO values stakeholder input and thanks all interested stakeholders that provide their feedback on the 2024 Budget Development Process.
Intent to Present to the AESO Board of Directors
The purpose of the AESO Board 1:1 Sessions is for senior executive stakeholders to have a final opportunity to engage in one-on-one discussions with the Board on the 2024 budget, areas of focus and priorities before the Board takes the 2024 Business Plan and Budget Proposal and all stakeholder feedback under consideration to make its decision.
Can be found under AESO Materials on the right-hand side of the page.
Consultation has concluded